Saturday, September 29, 2007

technology for the global south...

my title for this post reminds me that i want to do a post on the things we call the other parts of the world...and the merits and downsides of the various names (third world, global south, developing countries, etc). if you have a name, drop me a comment about it and i'll include some research and thoughts on it in the post...

now onto this post...
cnet recently posted an interesting photo piece highlighting technologies that are helping to bring better quality of life in underdeveloped areas. take a gander and then stop back here and comment on which one you found the most interesting. the interesting thing about this to me is that some of these are really simple ideas. what other simple ideas are out there that we could cooperate on to partner with those who need them?


Miche said...

Maybe I am mising it, but are there sites where you can purchase these items for those who need it.

The pure water stuff is great, and I love the big wheel water tote thingy-me-bob. thanks for the heads up.


joeldaniel said...

these items aren't for sale to purchase (like a World Vision Christmas catalogue sort of thing), but are various products that companies are either offering for sale or making available to and through non-profits, NGO's, and relief organizations, sometimes for a profit, sometimes not. There's been a big movement in the business sector to begin to think what effective business strategies related to developing countries look like, as they comprise such a significant part of the world population. One book that I would suggest that further explores this would be CK Pralahad's "Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid"

ldeane said...

You're always thinking out and up. It is impressive. You challenge the rest of us to do the same.