Wednesday, October 31, 2007

World AIDS Day...the one month countdown

last year i tried to post on my xanga site (wow...i'd forgotten that it was that recent that i used xanga) every day in the month prior to World AIDS Day to help educate and bring awareness to World AIDS Day.

i didn't succeed every day, but i did learn a lot in the process.

so this year, i'm taking another stab at it. i think i'll do better. though i'm going to be without internet access for the next two days, i think, so we may be off to a rough start.

World AIDS Day: December 1st, 2007

today you can...
-join the event on facebook (which has a handy list of ways to participate in the coming weeks)
-start thinking about how you want to participate (maybe using the above mentioned handy list)

more to come in the coming days...

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